We got to the Columbia River on Sunday and stayed at Memaloose SP right on the river. I included a photo looking out from out campsite over the river. On the way we stopped in the town of The Dalles, which is the western terminus of the Oregon Trail and also an area passed by Lewis and Clark on their famous exploration. (both of us read Stephen Ambrose's book about Lewis and Clark's trip). We spent several hours at a museum on the site of an old fort.
The next night we stayed at Ainsworth SP and hiked up to the top of Multnomah Falls which is about 600 feet high.
Today we checked into an RV park in Portland Oregon to 1)do laundry 2)get the oil changed on the truck 3)hook up to the Internet.
We took a short drive into Portland and conclude that it is on a big river, but otherwise looks like most big American cities - lots of traffic and congestion.